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Source: Christianity Today

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.

Acts 2:17 [NLT] Vision is a fundamental requirement for all believers. When we have Christ in us, it is required of every believer to have a gift of having visions or prophesying. As Christians, we need the spirit of God to help us accomplish all that we want.

The gift of prophecy is one of the gifts that was given to the church, but because we believers don't know, we rather move about looking for prophets to tell us the stories we want to hear. Instead, we refuse to stay in the word for the spirit of God to fill us, because we think those gifts are just given to some group of people and not others. If you are in Spirit, He will control your thoughts. We therefore need the Spirit of God to give us directions.

Again, for us to succeed, we need to remain in the Spirit and not in the flesh because the Spirit edifies the church. We therefore need the Spirit of God to empower us as Christians. We must spend more time with God and must be in expectation of receiving the gift of vision from God. I pray God gives us understanding. DECLARATION

Lord Jesus, I thank you for this day. Thank you for giving us your Spirit to continue your work here on earth. This day I ask that your Spirit fills me and gives me vision.


Reference Scriptures : Act 2:16-18, Act 9:10-18, Habakkuk 2:2.

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