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Believing God for freedom in 2018

"Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free."

Psalm 118:5

Freedom is the power to do as you want without any hindrance or restraint. As Christians, our freedom is not our entitlement to sin, but rather our flee from every bondage the enemy has apportioned for us.

We sometimes find ourselves entrapped in certain lifestyle we aren't supposed to be involved in at all. We take certain decisions and actions and regret them later on as we suffer the repercussions. However, we should know that these are the works of the devil. The enemy doesn't want us to live a worthwhile life, and so does everything possible within his limited means to bring frustration our way. We know this because ," every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." James 1:17

It is not far-fetched to think that many of us picked up some dirt along the way, as we traversed through 2017. There are certain struggles and challenges we faced during the year and we'd certainly not want to live our lives in 2018 with those very things.

The only way we can achieve this, is to believe God in 2018 for freedom. We ought to believe in Him for freedom from every bondage of the enemy; freedom from every stronghold that is fighting against our success and prosperity; freedom to enjoy the

blessings He brings our way, and most importantly, freedom to live the life He wants us to enjoy here on earth.

Believe God for freedom in 2018!

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