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Hearing From God

Source: Single Vision Ministries.

A pastor from Ghana visited our church not too long ago. Throughout his stay, he shared with us many messages about the Holy Spirit, the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Works of the Holy Spirit. Those of us who had the chance to listen to all his messages were greatly inspired to learn more about the Holy Spirit.

During the very last session he had with us, he asked us one simple question which has been repeating in my head ever since:

When was the last time you heard from God?

I pondered over this question after Bible studies; really trying to figure out the last time I heard from God.

As Christians, it is very important that we communicate with God daily, not just praying to Him and requesting for things, but also waiting patiently to hear from Him as well.

Hearing from God requires us to be attentive and sensitive to His voice. It requires us to always be in constant communication with the Lord. Though our Almighty God is a Spirit, He still speaks to us in many forms. He can speak to us through dreams, visions, a still small voice in our heads and even sometimes through other people.

We are able to hear from the Lord when we avail ourselves for Him to speak to us. 2 Timothy 2:20-22 explains how God will use us when we are able to cleanse ourselves from certain things. The Lord is ready to speak to us and to use us for His Glory, only when we avail ourselves.

DECLARATION Dear God, from this day forth, I avail myself to You, to hear from You and to be used for Your glory.

Amen! Reference Scriptures: 2 Timothy 2:20-22, John 10:27, Jeremiah 33:3.

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