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Momentum Cedar Creek Church

Sometimes in life, we tend to ignore the little things, and we see them to be irrelevant, insignificant, and unimportant. As Christians, we must be mindful of those little things because they cause our downfall. Jesus Christ is aware of this, and that's why He says in His word that '’Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines’’ (Song of Solomon 2:15).

Have you ever thought about these scenarios in life? The titanic ship, which was built to be unsinkable in the 19th Century was able to sink with just a little wreck. A little torn can turn your treasured garment into a rag overtime. A little dose of poison can kill the strongest or greatest man ever.

When we apply these scenarios to our lives as Christians, we can learn that regardless of our stand in the Lord, if we entertain the little lies and all those ‘little sins’ in our lives, we could end up perishing in the last days. The little things do matter, and we must, therefore, be watchful and vigilant.


Lord Jesus, I thank You for opening my eyes to see that little things do matter. I pray for Your grace and strength to be vigilant and watchful always so that I would not be cast out when You show up in Your glory. In Jesus’ name.


Reference Scripture: Song of Solomon 2:15.

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