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Who makes it to Heaven?

The Odyssey Online


But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” Matthew 19:14 NLT

Heaven is known to be the dwelling place of the Most High God, the Creator of the universe. For this reason, true believers of Christ lay aside everything they love, like, or cherish the most in order to make it to Heaven. It is the only place that everyone will live in their very own mansion as stated in John 14:2.

According to Our Lord and Savior Jesus, the place Heaven is made specifically for a certain group of people (children to be exact). Really? What is a child's contributions to the kingdom business? It is the pastors, evangelists, deacons, prophets and the people who are actively doing the work of God, yet the Master did not say that they are the heirs to Heaven.

Why children? We can see that Christ mentioning children as the heirs to the Heavens meant that unless we behave or act like little children, there's no way we can make it to heaven. Now let us see some few features of children: • Every child believes or sees their father as the richest person in the world. They don't care whether or not their father is working they will still ask for their needs. • Children don’t keep things of the past. They forgive quickly and forget easily. • They stay with their parents no matter what the situation is. And even when they are being punished by their parents, they still run to them with their cries. • They depend only on their parents for everything. When their needs are not met, they cry out loud until they receive it. • They are quick to learn and do so solely from their parent's teachings; when anything contrary to what they have been taught is relayed to them, whether from school or wherever, they refer back to what their parent's taught them and report back to their parents for confirmation. • They only act on the commands of their parents, thus, what you tell them is what they act on to live their lives.

Christ was basically using the attitudes of children as the only basic requirement that will take us to Heaven. Until we are ready to behave like children, we will never get access to Heaven.

DECLARATION Father Lord, I thank You for today. I thank You for Your word that has come to me. It is my humble prayer that You will help me to humble myself as a little child so that I will live my life as You want it to be. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Matthew 19:14, John 14:2.

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