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How desperate are you?

Revival Hut

I recently visited a friend and his entire family. I felt like using their restroom so I went in there. As soon as I shut the door to lock it, I saw this, “I will stop peeing on my bed and stop being lazy and wake up. 1-30-17”.

For a while I begun making fun of this because I used to see people writing on the walls of classrooms and school buildings. But later that day a voice kept whispering to my ears saying “this is how desperate the little fellow is to stop what she wants to stop. How about yourself? ”

In fact, I felt really sorry about myself because there are some things that keep drawing me back in my relationship with the Father, yet I haven't been able to come up with a way to deal with them. I know with what my fellow did, he or she stated the problem, the cause and the solution and sealed it with a date as a serious covenant, agreement or promise.

How desperate am I willing to quit what I have been praying for to stop? Perhaps this is what I should have been doing for a very long time: list the problems down, pray over them, promise myself not to do them again and then sign and date, and post it at every angle of my closets.

How desperate are you willing to quit that bad habit you don’t want in your life? Take a bold step like my fellow did, don't be shy of what others may say or think. This is about you, yourself and your life. Say it aloud, write it boldly and God will help you through.

DECLARATION Father Lord I thank You for an opportunity like this, I pray that You will help me to take a bold step and be desperate about quitting every behavior that is drawing me away from You, in Jesus' name.


Reference Scriptures: Philippians 3:14, Ephesians 4:24.

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