Involve Him

Read Mark 8:23-27 Jesus was sailing with His family (the disciples) and suddenly there came a furious storm. The disciples tried all they could to keep the boat from sinking. Yes, there were some in the boat who were fishermen, I mean experts, and yet they couldn’t control the boat.
Jesus was also in the boat. Through all this mighty storm, He was deeply asleep. Wow, what a Man. After all their strength was exhausted, it was then, they remembered that they needed a backup: Jesus. The Bible says that as soon as “He woke and rebuked the winds and the waves, it was completely calm” Verse 26.
You might be going through such a situation in your life in which you have done everything you could, yet, like the disciples, unless you wake Him up (though He doesn’t sleep), He may not show up. Our God is such a gentle God who doesn’t force Himself on anyone. He stands at your door of poverty, cancer, distress, barrenness and whatever situation you find yourself in knocking.
All He’s asking for is for you to Involve Him. Wake Him up, Call on Him and He’ll show up to calm every storm and wave in your life today. DECLARATION Father, thank You for Your Word today also. I’m sorry for not involving You all this while and exhausting my strength. Today I open my heart and my whole life unto You. Come in and do that which You want to do in my life. In Jesus name I pray.
Reference Scripture: Mark 8:23-27.