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Pleasing God or Man?

Village Church - Bartlett


When we were kids, the opinion of our friends mattered so much to us. We didn't want to be teased nor laughed at among our "click".

We always made sure anything the ring leader said was done. Silly right?

In the process of growing up, we realize that our mentality actually hasn't changed much. We are so consumed with the thoughts of other and what people will say or do rather than what God thinks of us. We forget to ask ourselves most of the time whether or not our actions will please God. Instead, we wonder how the people around us will think.

As Christians, our basis of living should be centered around Christ and His opinion of us and not men. When we focus so much on what others think of us rather than what God thinks of us, we can never please our Maker.

Sometimes the opinions of our friends and family matters but what matters the most is that of God.

As the Presbyterian song goes: "Everything I do, everything I say, it is necessary for me to ask myself if it will please God". This is a very powerful song for every Christian to keep in mind.

Who do you choose to please today: God or Man?

DECLARATION Father God, forgive me for pleasing man rather than you. From today onward, I choose you. So help me God!


Reference Scriptures: Romans 12:1, Ephesians 5:8-10.

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