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Don't Entertain Fear

We are faced with many obstacles in our daily lives that sometimes, if we're not careful, can channel fear in us.

When Joshua was asked to take the mantle after Moses died, he became fearful. The lord encouraged him to strong and courageous in multiple verses in Joshua 1.

What can fear do to us? Fear causes us to shrivel into our corner and lose hope in what we once believed in. Fear causes us to act opposite of what we really want. Fear, if we are not careful, can drive us away from the very promises the Lord has for us. Fear can cause us to die before our time.

Don't get me wrong, fear is a natural instinct or feeling that we experience when things get out of hand beyond our control. That's the enemy's tactic to cause us to deviate from our goals. As long as we continue to live as humans, fear will sometimes cross our path BUT DON'T ENTERTAIN IT. Don't give in to it. The word of God says in 2 Timothy 1:17 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

So what reason do we have to allow fear to engulf us? "Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

‭‭If God has promised us this, why fear? DECLARATION Father God, thank You for Your Word this morning. I ask that You help me to do away with any fear that may come my way in Jesus' name.


Reference Scriptures: Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1, 2 Timothy 1:17.

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