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My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.”

Genesis 22:8

When faced with a hopeless situation how do you handle it? Do you normally go by what the doctors say or you look at your situation and draw conclusions, “I am finished”?

Abraham faced the most challenging and most difficult time decision making situation of his life. Now, per Genesis chapter 11 through chapter 22, God constantly promises him of a son.

Somewhere along the line he rushes God's time and gets a son from another woman (wife's maid servant) because he and his wife think time is running out. God comes in again and tells him “this is not the one to carry my covenant.”

Finally, the long awaiting promised and covenant son comes and God wants this child to be slaughtered by Abraham himself and offered as a sacrifice. Abraham is left to choose between obeying God's orders or his only son, his blood.

Hmmm! After much contemplation, he finally chooses God over his own son. On the day of the sacrifice, his son asks, “father, we have the lamp, firewood, knife and everything we need for the sacrifice but where is the lamb?" Very deep question indeed!

Abraham knowing that all hope is gone still overlooks what the truth is. He raises his voice and the only answer to the boy's question is “My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering.” Genesis 22:8. And truly God provided the lamb.

Maybe Uncle Abraham just made that confession to keep the lamb (Isaac his son) from asking more questions or in suspense, or he really meant what he said. The truth is no matter how you make or say it, it will work.

Sometimes we are the main causes to our long suffering illnesses, poverty, barrenness, joblessness and the negatives that remain in our lives. The bible says in Romans 10:10 that “For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.” NLT.

James 3:10 tells us that "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing". Meaning good and bad comes from our mouths, or confessions.

Let us therefore be mindful of the kind of confessions we make. Nothing is much greater and more powerful than the power and authority that God has given to our tongues and mouths. They can make and unmake.

DECLARATION Lord please help me to always understand that it is never finished unless You say so. I confess good things into my life and that of my family now and the rest to come. In Jesus' Name.


Reference Scriptures: Genesis 11, Genesis 22, Romans 10:10, James 3:10.

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