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Put Anger Away


Don't be quick to get angry, because anger is typical of fool.

Ecclesiastes 7: 9

There're some people who when they angered, say and do things they don't mean. They let their anger get the best of them.

This shouldn't be. As God's child, you must must not let anger control you. The Lord never responds in anger to what anyone does against Him.

Even when He was betrayed by one of His disciples and nailed to the cross by the people He came to save, He remained compassionate and full of love.

You are just like Jesus, so, always maintain the right attitude with people around you and to all situations.

DECLARATION Thank you Lord for your word to me, I'm motivated by love and compassion always, in Jesus name , Amen.

Reference Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 7:9, Proverbs 16: 32.

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