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Is God All Knowing


And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”

Genesis 6:6

During one of our Sunday evening Bible discussions, we realized that God was hurt so much at the kind of life man was living. A life that was callous, full of evil without remorse, a life that focused on self interest and lustrous desires. Man lived like there wasn't any God who judges the good and the bad, just like some of us live our lives.

The Bible makes us understand that “God created mankind in His own Image, in the Image of God, He created them; male and female He created them.” Gen. 1:27

Do we think God doesn't sometimes regret himself for creating us? If He does, does that makes Him unforgiving and not all-knowing as He is?

The answer to this question is No. A very big NO. God gets hurts, He sometimes may weep or shed tears like Jesus did when His friend Lazarus died. God’s regressions, grieve, anger and the shedding of tears are as a result of the immeasurable love He has for us. Like a mother gets so hurt when her child goes beyond the norm, so does God behaves.

We must understand that out of the image and likeness of God, He made us. If our parents punishing us doesn't change the fact that they are still caring, then, we should not let God's emotions lead us into thinking something different about Him.


Lord Jesus thank You for Your Word, please help me not to misjudge You because of Your corrections and Your emotional expressions. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Genesis 6:6, Genesis 1:27.

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