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Our Faithfulness and God's Deliverance


Why do we find it so difficult to stay faithful to our Maker? Is it because we don't trust Him? Or is it because we ourselves do not have enough faith in Him to show up in our situations? Let's think about that for a second.

Can we think of anyone in the Bible, who stayed faithful to God till the end of a difficult situation and God didn't show up? Let's take Daniel for example; he refused to deny his God, and purposely prayed to his God with his windows open where he could be seen and possibly persecuted. But, that didn't stop him. He stood firm for God.

Because of his actions, Daniel was put in the lions' den to be eaten up by the lions. But see, when God sees how much our faith in unshaken no matter the situations we find ourselves, he has no choice but to also show himself strong and powerful. That's exactly what the Lord did for Daniel ; shutting the mouths of the lions. Glory be to God! Daniel 6.

When we look at Daniel's friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego who also decided not to bow down before the smaller god and were put into the burning furnace, declaring that they knew their God will save them and even if their God did not save them, they still wouldn't bow. Indeed their God, our almighty Jehovah, saved them. Daniel 3. So as we can see, as long as we stay faithful to God, His delivering power is always available to us. What has prevented you from staying faithful and committed to God? I urge you today, to rethink your position with God and things will begin to change in your life. God is ever ready to deliver us when our faith is unshaken. Hallelujah! DECLARATION Father God, thank You for Your unfailing love for me. This day Lord, I ask for unshaken faith no matter what situation I find myself. Let your delivering power reach me today in Jesus' name. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Daniel 3, Daniel 6.

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