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Scripture Reading: Jeremiah 8 Have you ever heard stories of students who commit suicide because they failed in their exams or couldn't continue making “A's”?

This is so sad when such stories are heard. Many at times, people plan for their lives and solely depend and live their lives on their plans and if they fail, the end results are very scary. In the scriptures above, God's spirit directs The Prophet Jeremiah into a potter's shop to see how he works. Jeremiah observed how the potter works, sees how he turns his mistakes into creating new artifacts and inventions.

One important thing that we should note from this scripture is, the clay didn't determine what it wanted to become or how it should be used. No! It submitted itself fully and wholly to the hands of the marker or the potter.

One thing I learned from my design and making processes in elementary school is that in most cases, your final artifacts doesn't really look as your proposed. In the course of your trying, it turns out into something far different from your intended product. The same applies to potters, they always take advantage of their mistakes to come up with something new.

Like the prodigal son, you may think that you have depleted every available resource. Yet, the Father, the Potter sees your failure as an opportunity to turn your life into something good, something NEW that the world is yet to see.

All you need to do is surrender your life, plans, thoughts and actions FULLY and WHOLLY to God Who is the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

Prayer Lord Jesus thank You for yet another opportunity to understand that you can turn my mess into a message. Today I submit myself FULLY and WHOLLY use me as you're the Potter of my life, in Jesus name. Amen

Reference Scripture: Jeremiah 8

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