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The Shepherd and The Sheep

I am The Good shepherd. The Good shepherd sacrifices His life for the sheep.

John 10:11

King David grew up as the one who was taking care of his father's flock of sheep. Caring for the flock wasn't an easy task to joke around with. Sometimes, he needed to wrestle with other wild animals in other to rescue his sheep. The life of one lost sheep is worth more than the hundreds that are safe. As a shepherd, he always understood that not all the sheep would follow simple instructions. There are some who are very hard to crack. And those were the ones he spent special care for. But what kinds of shepherds do we see these days? Are they really exhibiting the good qualities of a shepherd? How can a shepherd sleep while the flock are wandering around, unfed, living in dirt, being devoured by wild beast, attacked by sicknesses, and falling into the hands of predators? It is only our days that the shepherds' time are spent feeding on the foods that are meant for the sheep, riding luxurious cars, wearing expensive clothes and jewelries. It is only in our time that the little that the sheep have is being taken away from them by the shepherds through lies and deceits. It is only in our time that instead of saving the sheep, the shepherds rather lead the sheep astray. How pathetic this is. David after walking and knowing how God was treating him, the then confessed that, “ the Lord is my Shepherd.” Psalm 23:1. He saw that the Lord was treating him exactly and even more or like the way he was caring for his sheep. It is my prayer that God will open our eyes to see and identify a good shepherd from a hungry shepherd. DECLARATION Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Word. Help me to identify a good shepherd from a hungry shepherd in Jesus name, Amen. Reference Scriptures: John 10:11, Psalm 23.

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