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In Him I can solve difficult problems

"He also changed the man's name from Daniel to Belteshazzar. Not only is he wise or intelligent , but he can explain dreams and riddles and solve difficult problems..." Daniel 5:12

Daniel was such a blessed and talented man. He wasn't only wise and intelligent according to our bible verse. He was also able to explain dreams and solve difficult problems too. The reason is, he had an excellent spirit ( Daniel 6:3)

Like Daniel , the lord has given us the holy spirit. He brings excellence and wisdom into your life. That means you too can explain dreams, riddles and solve difficult problems. Amen

DECLARATION: I'm wise, intelligent and I can solve difficult problems because, I have the Holy Spirit!

Reference Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 1:30, Daniel 5:2, Daniel 6:3.

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