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The Word of God

What does the Word of God mean to the believer? • It is a Mirror James 1:23-25; 1 peter 1:23 • A Lamp Ps. 119:105 • A Sword Eph. 6:17 • A Food Heb. 5:12-14 • A Rod or a Ruler for correction Ps. 119:65-67 Paul tells Timothy: instruct all believers both male and female, young or old to study to show thyself approve. (2 Timothy 2:15) What will the Word of God do in the life of the believer: +It Cleanses (one from sin). 1 Peter 18:24, 1 John 1:9 Jesus is the Word John 1:1-3; (one from Diseases and sicknesses) Jeremiah 30.17 +It Confirms (Our salvation) Romans 8.1 (The hand of God in the believer’s life) Romans 8.28 (God’s forgiveness when we sin). Isaiah 38.17, Psalm 32.5, 103.12 +It Equips (one for evangelism) Acts 8:26-35, 2 Timothy 2:15. (one for counseling others) 1 Timothy​ 1.3, 18.; 4:6,13, 2 Timothy​ 2:1,2, 15 (one for using your spiritual gifts). Ephesians​1:17-19, 4:7, 11-14 (one for doing battle against Satan). Ephesians​6:10-17 

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