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Faith and Rational Thinking

This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high.[d] 16 Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit[e] high all around.[f] Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks. Gen. 6:15-16.

The story of the man Noah starts from chapter 5:32 through to chapter 10. Noah was the only man in his time who found favor from the Lord. At his time, the wickedness of man living on earth was so much unbearable that even God Himself couldn't take it any longer than to destroy the earth and everything in it.

Now Noah, an honorable, a man who feared and respected the things of God caught the attention of God and He realized the righteous can never be punished together with the ungodly or the unrighteous. God calls Noah from the heavens and instructs him to build an ark because He's about to pour down rains from heaven to destroy the earth. This was the first time there was going to be something called rain on earth. Noah doesn't even know and haven't seen such called rain before. God tells him to build an ark to save he and his family from what is about to happen. There wasn't any specific day or date? Yet Noah responded to this Call to build the ark out of Faith. And to build the ark, there were some specific materials which were to be used as well as measurements.

To me, every ark is an ark and moreover, You (God) said You'll destroy the earth and wants to save me and my family and so in whichever way I choose to go You will save me. But Noah reasoned with the Lord and followed every detailed instructions that was given to him.

Most of us believers out of the faith we have in God always get ourselves into troubles and make people mock our faiths and beliefs. There's one thing to have faith and another to put it to work. Faith doesn’t work for itself. And faith put to work at the wrong time with the wrong intentions will fail you. Faiths must be backed with rational thinking.

Exercise your Faith at the right time with the right intentions. You can't say Jesus walked on water and so you want to walk on water to prove to the world that you have faith in God. This not putting faith to work but it's putting God to test. Jesus was the son of God, faith Himself, but he never proved himself to the devil by turning the stone to bread? Mathew 4:3-5. He reasoned to know when to do things and not because He's been asked to or for. Let's always remember that Faith must be worked with Rational Thinking.

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