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Royalty comes with a Responsibility


You are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, and God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God; for He called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9 It is one thing to know who you are and not to behave as such and another thing not to know who you are and live your life anyhow. The bible says that as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them He gave the RIGHT to BECOME sons and daughters of God, John 1:12. Becoming sons and daughters of God make you an heir to the throne of God. I haven't lived with the earthly royals but I have had the opportunity to be in schools and communities with them. Of all these guys and ladies or girls I know, their dressings, choice of words, thinking and the tone of their voices when talking would just give you a signal that these are no ordinary people from among us.

It is only us, the heavenly royals, that it be would very difficult for one to know and tell of our royalties. Being a royal must be reflected in your speech, your commands over the devil, the unbelievers (don't let them corrupt you, you should rather corrupt and influence them into believing and accepting your Faith), your life and everything. Your dressing should talk more to the outsiders. The way you dress is the way you will be addressed.

It is sometimes sad to see a royal treating his or her fellow human being as if they are nothing. Royals of today live equally as the none royals but when there is a problem or a revelation for them to take caution, there and then you will see them trying to tell of their royalties.

Peter tells us that being royal means you are a special person, a holy nation (God’s Spirit dwells in you) so therefore, you need to show forth His excellence. Wherever there is darkness SHINE, glow like a rekindled splint. Let the world see the goodness and the beauty of God in you. Bloom where you are planted to make a difference! Prayer Father Lord, please help me to live a royal life with Responsibilities. Amen.

Reference Scriptures: 1 Peter 2:9, John 1:12.

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