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Be Slow to Judge

Romans 14:1-12 Verse 4: Who are you to judge someone else's servant It so easy for us to point fingers at those who are not engaging in the same sun we are, thinking that we are better than them. We most often walk with our heads held high up and look down on others because we are not fornicating or committing adultery, or perhaps even killing. But what about the lies we are constantly telling? What about the little gossip about our friends here and there? What about the unforgiveness that we hold deep inside?

Does that speak well of us in the sight of God? Don't be too quick to judge others because you are not doing what society considers as the bigger sins. Sin is sin no matter how small or big it may seem in the eyes of people. In the eyes of our Maker, there are no big or small sins.

The Bible says in Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Which basically means that instead of looking at others and judging them according to what we think they are doing wrong, we should basically check ourselves first, make sure we are doing the right thing, then we can proceed to ENCOURAGE others to change their lifestyle and not JUDGE them.

We are all accountable to God and God alone, so why not help each other to give good accounts to God rather than judging and condemning. We've all been that person who judged someone else either from far or near. It is now time for us to put a stop to it and rather encourage each other. Declaration Father God, forgive me for judging others and not encouraging them. Help me to be slow to judge others and also help me to assess myself quickly with judgment! Amen

Reference Scriptures: Romans 14:1-12, Matthew 7:5.

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