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Peter said to her, "How could you conspire to test the Spirit of the LORD?

Acts 5:9

It is so easy for believers of today to be more concerned about what a man will say or think about them more than God. The fear of the Creator is no longer seen in the lives of the believers, we only fear what our fellow men (creatures) would say or think about us.

Ananias and his wife sold their personal belongings which no one even asked them to do so. They could have kept the money for themselves, after all it’s their property they sold not the church’s nor any of the apostles. They both decided to keep part of the money to themselves. Acts 5:1-2. Many a times, we turn to forget about one of the most important attributes of God, The All-Knowing and Omnipresent God.

We find ourselves backing up our friends, spouse, partners and families when they are doing wrong and evil. But one thing that we need to be aware of is that once we become part of a conspiracy, we will also suffer the same punishment as the initiators of the evil acts.

Sapphira also died the same death of her husband. Acts 5:10. It is my prayer that we pay attention to the things we agree to and back up to because we will suffer the same consequence.

Declaration: Lord please help me to realize that You are an All-Knowing and Omnipresent God, and also not to look at the kind of relationship I have others and support them in any act they do unless it is in accordance with Your word. Amen.

Reference Scripture: Acts 5.

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