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What will God say about you?

"There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."

Job 1:8

My spiritual father once said to me that “Christianity and the fear of the Lord is not when you behave right when people and other believers are around, it is the kind of behavior you wear when no one is watching you” We always try to show off at churches, in front of pastors and other fellow believers but when we are found outside no man’s land, what kind of behavior do we put on?

Job was a man just like us, there wasn’t anything so special about him. The only difference between Job and us is that he chose to do the right thing at all time, whether in darkness or in light, rainy or sunny. He didn’t live his life under pretense or hypocrisy. He feared God, shunned evil and it was attributed to him as blameless and uprightness. Does it take a miracle or a special grace to shun evil and fear God?

What account will the good God give about you should the devil accuse you before the Maker? Will it be as true as the devil will say or God will defend you and even bet on you?

Declaration Lord Jesus, thank You for Your word, please help me to behave right more especially when no one is watching because You see everything even through the hearts and minds of Your children, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Reference Scripture: Job 1:8

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