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He's The Boss

For as many as are led by the spirit of God, these are the sons of God. Romans 8:14

The Holy Spirit means a lot to us as Christians . He's our Helper, Strengthener, Advocate, Intercessor, Friend, Guide and Comforter.

Do you know he's also the Boss? Sure! Being boss means the one in charge. He tells you what to do as you listen to Him. He'll guide you and make you successful in the things you do.

That is why you have to learn to commit your day to the Holy Spirit. Start by inviting Him to be in charge of your day in prayer. As you do He will lead you into glorious future that the Lord has prepared for you.

DECLARATION: Dear Holy Spirit, You're my Guide, my Leader and my Boss. I give You full control and authority over my life.

Reference Scriptures: John 16:13, Romans 8:14.

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