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Do it for the Glory of God

It's so easy to take the praise for doing something great in the house of God. Sometimes you don't mean to do it, but our flesh takes over us when we are not careful and take the glory of God for ourselves.

You can imagine practicing for days to perform at a concert, and when the concert is over, people come to you and say "wow, you brought the spirit of God down, you shook this place today, you were amazing etc.

When we are not careful, we will just say thank you, I tried rather than saying, to God be the glory. When you find yourself taking the praise for yourself, just know you have received your reward on this earth.

Let's get in the habit of doing things for the glory of God not for our own personal gain. There's no blessing in pretending to be agents of God for our own personal gain to deceive people. God does not want to share His glory with any other man, and for that reason, don't take what is His. Everything we are able to do for God, we should do it well all for his Glory and He will reward us.

Declaration: Dear Lord, everything I do, I want to do it for Your Glory. Please help me to not take Your glory for myself in Jesus' name! Amen

Reference Scriptures: John 11:40, Luke 21:27, 1 Corinthians 10:31.

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