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Acts 9:39 Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them. I remember a while back in Ghana, West Africa while in high school, everyone wanted to write their names on their beds, desks and walls of the buildings just to let the people coming after them know that they were there. There were instances where others picked some of the names they saw written and used them as their alias. The question is “what kind of life did they live, was it worthy of emulations?” The bible says Dorcas was full of good works, vs 36. Some of the things she made to support others and the body of Christ were shown in the anchor scripture. In her absence, she was remembered for her charitable deeds. Ask yourself, “when you are not around do people notice your absence? Do they miss your presence? what do they say about you when you are not around?” The funny thing about human nature is that it's hard to see your virtuous deeds when you are around; it's only in your absence. What legacy are you leaving behind at your church, workplace, among your friends, in your marriage, in your ministry, and in your family? Prayer Lord please help me to live an exemplary life for others to follow in Jesus name. Amen

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