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Division among Christians

Why do we think it's so easy for unbelievers to be one and together in what they do, but it's very difficult for Christians to come together as one body of Christ?

The devil is very much aware of what Christians can accomplish together when we are one. For that reason, he always tries to find ways to bring confusion in our mist. We are aware that we are all one body of Christ, and we cannot do without the other, therefore we have to be careful in order to not allow the enemy to cause confusion the body of Christ.

If we say that we are really Christians, then love is never missing amongst us, and if that's so, the enemy can never win by bringing confusion in our mist. Satan is on a mission to destroy us and the work we do for God, so if we are not vigilant, he will have his way among us and destroy us with confusion, preventing us from doing the work of God together as one body of Christ. As the famous saying goes, divided we fall, together we stand. We are one body of Christ and as such Satan has no place among us. Prayer Father Lord, help me to realize when the devil is bringing confusion between me and my fellow believers. Help us to stand as one body of Christ in Jesus' name. Amen!

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