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Move Further

“Be quiet!” many of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Mark 10:48 NLT

During one of our Wednesday evening Bible discussions, we had the opportunity to study about Hannah- a woman whose womb had been closed by God.

The Bible makes us understand that year after year, Hannah and her husband together with her rival and her children will journey to the place for annual sacrifices and worship. And year after year, she was still in the same situation because she was always at the same spot.

Some of us believers have been sitting or standing at the same spot in both our physical and spiritual life for so long. It is high time we took another step forward. We need to update and upgrade our way of worship, Bible studies and also our prayer lives.

Like the woman with the blood issue for about 12 years, we need to make a move to change our situation. Likewise the blind Bartimaeus, we need to move another step. Move further. Don't stay at the same spot year after year.


Lord empower me to move further, starting today in Jesus's Name, Amen!

Reference Scriptures: 1 Samuel, Mark 10:46-52.

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