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Declare Your Stance

“And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, “ Are You for us or for our adversaries?” Joshua 5:13 NKJV I remember during some general elections campaigns in 2012, when staunch members of the then opposition party were taking their bonuses for participating in the campaigns, and then a nonparty member came in to also take his share. 

Unfortunately for him, one of the key members had seen him in the rival’s campaigns. He was more or like participating in both parties. He was then asked to choose between the two parties which one he wanted to be with. This is so common among churches, fellowships and even being a Christian. There are some of us today who are living like we don't know our left from the right. At one moment we are seen among the believers at church and other fellowships and another, among friends or families who are in the world. Today we're seen doing good, tomorrow we find ourselves doing the unexpected. Christ said that there's no way a man can serve two masters. It’s either you're loyal to one and hate the other or vice versa (Matthew 6:24). 

When it comes to your salvation, it is not about playing games. God doesn’t play those mind games. It is either you're with Him or against Him. We're living in a time of war, a time when Satan is very serious about stealing people into destructions. Satan knows his end has come and so he needs as many as he can to go down with him. This is the day to make the best choice of your life. There might not be a second time. The next day, hour, minute or second is not guaranteed to us because we don't know what will happen in the future. It is time to DECLARE YOUR STANCE. Where do you stand? Are you for Christ or Against Him.? The ball is your hands. 


Heavenly Father, I declare this day that I am Yours and Yours alone! Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Joshua 5:13, Matthew 6:24.

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