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The One

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.

Hebrews 9:27

Imagine one day you wake up and all you could see is yourself in a different world, what would be your reaction?

A man lives all his days and just one day he seizes to live. David needed just one stone to kill the mighty Goliath. Abraham need just a son to become the father of many nations, and even God needed just one Lamb (Jesus) to save mankind. In the same way, it took just one fruit to bring the fall of man.

The beginning of a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. Just as the Holy scriptures says “ it is appointed unto a man to live once…” all our struggles, our pains, our stress and desire to gain everything in the world comes to nothing but One- life or death, salvation or destruction.

People see us and they either like or dislike us based on only one impression- the very first one. We've got only one choice or decision to make, to live for or die for eternity. The ball is in your hands, make that one very important decision of your life. Remember, you have only One chance.

Declaration: Father in Heaven, help me to live this one life You have given me in a way that it pleases You alone. Amen!

Reference Scripture: Hebrews 9:27

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