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Mercy and Grace

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:8

We've all heard this scripture so many times and we boast in it all the time, that even when we were sinners Christ came to die for us and took away our iniquities.

We proudly enjoy this grace bestowed upon us. What about our fellow brothers and sisters who step on our feet? Why do we find it difficult to give them the same grace and mercy and forgive them even when they are still hurting us?

Why wait for them to come and apologize before we give them the time of day? If we say we are Christians, that means, we are trying to be more like Christ and everything he does, we should try to replicate.

It is very difficult to let go when the person you are forgiving is still doing what they were doing to you. But we have to understand that, that's exactly what Christ did for us.

He didn't wait for us to turn our lives around before He decided to save us. But rather while we were still messing up, He took it upon himself to have mercy on us because of His love for us.

The Bible says love covers all things, so if we say we love Christ, and the love of Christ is in us then we have to try to show that same love to others even when they don't deserve it.

We didn't deserve the kind of love and grace our Lord Jesus showed us, but we received it anyway. So, be merciful and gracious to someone as well and the Lord will bless you. Prayer Father Lord, please help me to be merciful and forgiving even when I have no desire to do so. Give me the strength to replicate the love You showed me by saving me, even when I was still sinning. Amen!

Reference Scripture: Romans 5:8.

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