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Roll It All

“Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established” (ESV). Proverbs 16:3 This verse basically seeks to establish the fact that once we wholly hand over our plans to the Lord, and fulfill our responsibility of serving Him with all diligence, He also plays His part faithfully on our behalf. The word commit, in Hebrew, means "to roll". The Bible uses the idea of "rolling" something to The Lord in Genesis 29:3 and Psalm 22:8-9. This means that we completely give something over to God and entirely depend upon Him. When we commit our work to God, we offer everything to Him totally. To this day, there is no account of anyone who entirely committed their plans to the Lord before embarking on anything, and failed. This indeed solidifies the idea that God is the same yesterday, today and forevermore! He is faithful to come through on our behalf once we commit our plans to Him and depend solely upon Him. After all, many are the plans of man, but it's the Lord's purpose that prevails (Proverbs 19:21). He created us and knew us even before we came into existence and so He definitely knows what's best for us. So why not roll your all to Him and watch Him work on your behalf? Declaration: Father Lord, I commit all that I will do today into Your Hands. Establish them on my behalf and let my labor be fruitful. In Jesus' Name. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Proverbs 16:3, Genesis 29:3, Psalms 22:8-9, Proverbs 19:21.

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