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Working for God vs. Walking with God

But he will reply, 'I don't know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers.' Luke 13:27 Many of us use the terms walking with God and working for God interchangeable, but they're not the same. Working for God deals with what we do in the house of God. Its our job description. Walking with God entails having a relationship with Him. When we walk with God, it comes with working for Him as well.

The relationship we have with Him compels one to do all they can to support the kingdom business. While working for Him doesn't require one to be be saved or even have a relationship with Him.

Many Christians today are only working for God and don't realize it. They think just because they are doing something in the House of God they'll end up in Heaven. There are many out there doing God's work, ministering and doing charity work in His name.

There are many who play vital roles in the church such as praise and worship leaders, ushers, teachers, even elders and deacons in the church. But do these individuals have a true relationship with the Father? On the day the trumpet sounds, will The Father tell us to get away from Him because He does not know us? Let us seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and work in the vineyard. And on the day the trumpet sounds we may all be able to rejoice together with our Maker.

Prayer: Dear God help me to walk with you. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Reference Scripture: Luke 13:27

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