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Building Each Other Up

When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up--one on one side, one on the other--so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 

Exodus 17: 12 As Christians, do we see a need to build each other up? Or do are intimidated by what our fellow Christians are doing and for that reason, try every means to bring them down? It is our responsibility as Christians to give a helping hand to each other whenever our help is needed. When we begin to only think about ourselves and what we are doing, or want to be recognized for the work we are doing alone, it doesn't help build the kingdom of God.

As Israel fought against the amalekites, anytime Moses lifted his hands up, Israel was wininning and whenever his hands grew tired and came down, the Amalekites were wining. Imagine what would've happen had Aaron and Hur decided not to help Moses lift up his hand. Israel would've lost the battle with the amalekites. That loss would've affected all of Israel not just Moses. 

So you see, when we help each other build the kingdom of God, it reflects positively on all of us not only the person leading. We are one body of Christ, and as such we have to do all we can to build each other up, encourage each other rather than bringing each other down. Encourage someone today! Prayer Father Lord, help me to build my fellow brother or sister up, rather than bring him or her down. Help me to always give a helping hand to someone, when there's a need for it. Amen! 

Reference Scriptures: Exodus 17:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

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