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Run to Meet Him

As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone. But the crowds heard where he was headed and followed on foot from many towns. Jesus saw the huge crowd as he stepped from the boat, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Matthew 14:13‭-‬14 NLT A notable miracle is often told of Jesus defying the laws of mathematics by feeding five thousand people with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Indeed this is not logically sound, but the God we believe in does not operate based on logical rules. That's exactly why He urges us to have a strong faith in Him, for with Him all things are possible. Just like every miracle performed by our Master however, we tend to greatly overlook the events that led up to the miracle. The Bible says that Jesus Christ, upon hearing about the murder of John the Baptist, was heading to a remote land by boat so He could be alone. By definition, a remote land is a land that's not only far away, but has also been deserted by people. Such a land is one upon which man has purposely vowed not to dwell, and this is exactly where Jesus wanted to go. Based on some Biblical research, we learn that this land was near Bethsaida which is located in Galilee, Israel. John was killed somewhere in Machaerus, Jordan, and so by some calculation we can approximate the distance between these two places to be 6,771 miles. Even with a boat, the journey between these two places will take forever, let alone by foot. Yet still, nothing discouraged the crowd from traveling to see the master. Indeed simple logic should have told the people that the place is very far and deserted, thus making it worthless to travel there right? In fact, the crowd could have logically concluded that there will be no food on a deserted land and so why travel there? But these people knew that The Master they were going to see does not work by logic. He makes the illogical very logical. They believed in Him and so they ran to Him, and as a result, He had compassion on them, healed their sick, and they ended up eating the best meals they had ever eaten! What are you going through in your life that has caused you to logically conclude that it's impossible? Run to Him who turns all impossibilities into possibilities. He is on the boat to the deserted land. Buckle up your shoes and run to meet Him. Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to run to You at all times. Make all my impossibilities possible in Your Name! Amen! Reference Scriptures: Matthew 14:1-21, Matthew 19:26.

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