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Will you not revive us again…?

Most of the time, you see banners hanging in front of churches announcing ‘’Revival! Revival! Revival!’’ We often hear believers saying, ‘’We are going for Revival meetings.’’ Do you understand the meaning of Revival? It is unfortunate that some Christians see it as a monthly or an annual event that the church organizes. Some people see it as part of a regular program of the church, and they do not attach any significance to it.

Revival simply means an improvement in the strength of your Christian life. Most of the time, you will hear Christians praying for revival. But the question is what is the essence of revival? Do you need a revival just to stay dormant in your life and go about your regular business? Psalm 85:6 says, ‘’Will you not revive us that your people may rejoice in you?’’

We need the revival to do exploits for the Lord. There are over 7 billion people in the world. Surprisingly, you will not meet every one of them but the few people that you meet, they are the very people God wants you to approach with the gospel. Souls are perishing each day and night and what are we doing about them? This is why we need the revival of the Lord.

After the disciples received the power of the Holy Ghost, the disciples never stayed dormant, they went out winning souls for God, and this is what God expects us to do. We need the revival from the Lord.


Our heavenly Father, I pray for your revival. I ask that you will renew my strength to exploits for you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Reference Scripture: Psalm 85:6

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