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The change I want to see must first be seen in me

So often, we look at our non Christian friends, associates and just random people we know of who aren't saved and wish so bad that they can also find the love we have found in Christ. 

Sometimes we go to the extend of trying to force the word of God upon them without even giving them a chance to seek God for themselves. I can only defend that we do it because, it is our desire that these individuals know God and have a relationship with Him like we do.

As I was reflecting on how I can draw these people to Christ to experience Him for themselves, it hit me that it must start with me. I realized that sometimes when people look and observe you, the kind of attitude you portray as a Christian can determine if it will spark an interest in them. 

I realized that rather than criticizing people in the world, or my friends who are not on the right path, I must live my life in a Godly manner that will cause them to perhaps reevaluate theirs. If anytime I appear, I make an unspoken statement, then what kind of statement is my presence making? 

The change I want to see so badly in others, I must first begin to show that change in me, and hopefully the rest will see it and follow. When we put it in our minds that, as Christians, our behavior and attitude speaks of our Father in Heaven, then we will be very careful in living our lives any how. Be the change you want to see! Prayer Father help me to live a life that speaks well of You, in Jesus' name! Amen 

Reference Scriptures: Colossians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-11.

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