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Working out for my good

I fasted and prayed. I trusted and believed that this time, God was going to fall through for me. I cried unto Him and put my hope in Him. I was very confident that the Lord would see me through that difficult situation. 

But to my surprise, He didn't. At least He didn't show up as I had wanted Him to. I was disappointed and felt like God had failed me. Frankly, those words came out of my mouth: "God has failed me". I had no hope because my last resort also "failed" me. 

There are times in our lives where we all go through many difficult times, and we put our trust and hope in the Lord. But sometimes, in God's own wisdom, knowing what is good for us and knowing the future, He doesn't do certain things in the manner in which we expect them. And because of that, we feel rejected and alone. 

It is normal for a Christian to go through trials and tribulations. The difference between us and the unbelievers is that, we can rest in the assurance that, no matter how bad the situation may look, our Father in heaven is working all things together for our good. 

We can encourage ourselves with prayer and fasting believing that our situation is not permanent. We can focus on God and trust that He knows what He is doing, and have the joy of Him in us that He will eventually come through for us.

We can remind ourselves of the good things He has already done for us, and encourage ourselves that if He did those things back in the day, He can do far exceedingly above what we can think of.We can also remind Him of the promises He has for us in His word and be rest assured it will be well with our soul. 

Finally, we can rest in the assurance of knowing that, this world if not our own, for we are just passing through and that our treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. Knowing that "this too shall pass" and one day, we will meet our Heavenly Father in Heaven. 

Everything indeed works together for good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. So no matter how gigantic your situation may seem, know that, God will come through for you. And even if he doesn't, be rest assured that everything is working together for your good. Prayer Thank You Lord, for working for my good. Forgive me for the times I lost faith and trust in you. Please increase my faith in you in Jesus' name. Amen! 

Reference Scripture: Romans 8:28.

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