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The Lord's Hand is A Helping Hand

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Matthew 14:31

When Jesus instructed Peter to come out to him on the sea, Peter experienced the classic struggle between faith and fear. His faith urged him to jump and go out to Jesus., but his fear restrained him in the boat. But bless his heart, Peter chose faith over fear and that was when he found himself walking on the water with Jesus.

However, his fear struck again. He saw the mighty wind and waves, and he became terrified. He lost his faith, his sense of confidence disappeared, and he began to sink not only in the sea, but in his own anxiety and worry.

But thanks be to God that his faith was revived again. He cried out to The Master: “Lord, save me!” He could have tried to swim back to the boat, after all he was a skilled fisherman right? Instead he didn’t. Peter lifted up his heart up to Jesus for help, and by his faith he got that help.

The Bible tells us that Jesus immediately stretched out His hand and caught him. The Master did not make Peter struggle in the water for a while, not even to teach Peter a lesson of strong faith. He did not allow the waves to swallow him up nor any harm to come to him. Instead, Jesus rescued him just at the moment he cried out.

We are very much like Peter. We often find ourselves in situations where fear has conquered our faith. Our intentions were excellent, our actions were very bold, but some way, somehow, fear found a way to distract us. When that happens it is then time we should apply more faith, just as did Peter. We have to recognize that the Lord’s hand is a helping hand, and cry out to Him to save us. Indeed, just as He stretched out His hand and caught Peter, so will He do same for us.


Lord, Jesus help me to increase my faith in you and recognize You as my only source of help. I thank You that You have and continue to help me. Amen!

Reference Scripture: Matthew 14:28-31, Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9.

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