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Second Chances

The story of Jonah is one most Christians have read or head of. God sends Jonah to the city of Nineveh to warn them that if they don't put a stop to their sins, God will destroy them. Jonah refused to go and tried to run away from God. Silly him. Nothing is hidden in the sight of God.

Jonah boards a ship to run away from God, and there's a big storm because of him. He's thrown into the sea and swallowed by a big fish. God has mercy on him, and saves him. He then decides to go to Nineveh and deliver the message as God instructed him to do.

The people of Nineveh listened and decided to turn away from their terrible ways so the Lord decided to have mercy upon them and save them. Jonah wasn't very happy because it made him seem like a liar since the Lord did not do to them as He had said.

Jonah forgot that God gave him a second chance by saving him from the big fish, but here he is hoping that God wouldn't give them another chance. Many of us are like Jonah sometimes. Sometimes we feel hurt by others and hope that the punishment they deserve surely come upon them, hoping that God will not give them a second chance.

As much as I wanna say it's only natural, as Christians, these thoughts should not be a part of us. Just as our Father in Heaven gives us multiple second chances, we have to also cultivate the habit of doing the same, as well as pleading for second chances for those who wrong us, and even our enemies.

Giving someone a second chance might cause them to come to Christ which is far better than the punishment that could've been brought on him or her. Give someone a second chance today! Prayer Father, help me to give others second chances as you always give me when the opportunity arises. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Deuteronomy 4:31, Jonah 1-4.

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