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Believe Beyond What You See

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Many people think that faith is achieved by behaving like something is even when it isn't, and by doing so long enough, it will come to pass. However, according to God's Word, faith is a substance. This makes faith REAL, Notice it doesn't say "things that don't exist," they DO exist...they just aren't seen. There is a realm of reality BEYOND this physical world. Allowing your five senses to determine your reality will stop you from accessing it. True faith doesn't deny physical truth; it just refuses to let physical truth dominate spiritual truth. There are many things in the natural world that we believe exist, even without seeing them physically. Take television signals for instance. We may not see them, but they exist. A television set can't generate images on its own, it relies on the signals to provide them so that they can be perceived with our senses. The television signal did not become real the moment we saw a picture or heard the sound in our TV set, the signals were there even before we turned the TV on. Likewise, while we can't physically see God, He is real and does exist. As a matter of fact, He is broadcasting His power and blessings even as you read this. God is always transmitting. If you are having trouble seeing what He is transmitting you may need to fix your receiver! DECLARATION Father I thank You for Your Grace. I ask that this day your presence will be strong on me. I pray that I grow in faith as Your Word grows in me. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Hebrews 11:1

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