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“And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.”

Matthew 14:32

A few days ago, we learned in a blog post that indeed The Lord’s Hand is a helping hand, and we took our lesson from the commonly told story of Peter “attempting” to walk on water, just as His Master did. However, one bit of the story that is greatly overlooked is what happens after Jesus rescues Peter, whose faith slightly wavered, causing him to begin to drown. In fact, one of the most amazing events took place, and we might not have even noticed, until we carefully read the 32nd verse.

After Jesus had saved Peter from drowning in the sea, Scripture tells us that they went back to the boat and climbed into it. Think about that for just a moment. Peter and Jesus were some distance from the boat when Peter began to sink. It is clearly stated that Jesus immediately caught his hand and pulled him up out of the waves. But how did they get back into the boat? Well, there are only two logical explanations: either Jesus carried Peter, or they walked together on the water!

I am greatly convinced that Jesus and Peter both walked on the water again. In fact, it is stated as such when the text says they climbed into the boat. They, together, yet as individuals, stepped from the waves into the boat. Can you imagine this scene? Peter and His Master, walking hand in hand across the stormy waves, finishing the journey of faith together. And in so doing, Peter is given a second chance to experience yet another miracle. This is exactly what happens when one holds on to the hand of the Master.

The Bible tells us that He is the shepherd and we are the sheep. Being sheep we are in desperate need of direction and guidance for our lives. So, when we cling to Him, hold to His hand, He will lead us down the right path, His path, the path of righteousness we yearn to follow. It is His hand that gives us strength when we are weak, help when we are in trouble, assurance when we are worried, and peace when we are distressed. Our steps are made sure, our decisions are spiritually directed and most importantly our souls find safety. Grab onto the Master’s Hand today and you will be so glad you did.


Lord Jesus, I solely rely on You for my entire being. Guide me throughout this day, and each day ahead, now and forevermore. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Matthew 14:32, Psalm 143:10.

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