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Make an effort

So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.

Luke 19:4

The Bible recounts a story of Jesus going through the city of Jericho and in the process, He encountered a wealthy and important tax collector by the name of Zacchaeus. Unfortunately however, Zacchaeus’s wealth wasn’t enough to help him to see The Master. In fact, amidst all his wealth, The Bible says that Zacchaeus had a challenge that prevented him from seeing The Master among the crowd. He was too short to see above the people.

Zacchaeus however, did not allow his challenge to become a barrier to accomplishing his goal. He made an effort to see Jesus. He ran to a place where he knew Jesus would come, and then climbed a sycamore tree so he could see Him. After all, he did not have to go through all of that just to see Jesus right? He was a wealthy man who had all he needed. What else did he need that his wealth couldn’t provide for? Why did he have to make an effort to see The Master?

Zacchaeus knew that it was only Jesus Who could make him complete. He knew that it was only The Master who could save him from his sin of cheating people. This is exactly why he made an effort to see Him. Jesus recognized the effort Zacchaeus made, and not only set him free of his sins, but also requested to stay at his house. Indeed, The Master recognizes every little effort we make and rewards us accordingly.

In order for us to make an effort however, we first have to recognize Jesus as our only source of help. We ought to realize that it is only The Master Who can set us free. Once we do that, we will run ahead of every crowd, and climb any tree just to have a glimpse of The One who holds our freedom!


Father Lord, help me to make every effort to see You today, in Jesus’s Name! Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Luke 19:1-10.

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