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Preaching and doing The Word

How often do we see "Christians" preaching the word but doing the exact opposite of what they preach. The term "do as I say not as I do" has become very common with Christians now a days. When Christ came to this earth, he preached the word wherever he went and also did as he preached.

The disciples of Jesus did not attain the name Christians just by preaching the word, but their actions and ways attracted the bystanders to give them the name Christians, because they acted like Christ. Once we leave our church premises, what do people say about our character?

When we get to a place where no one knows us, what kind of behavior do we portray to others? Let's not our Christian life be an all talk no action type, but rather, a reflection on Christ as we preach the word. Prayer Father Lord, help me to be a reflection of you wherever I find myself in Jesus' name.

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