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Do not look back

And as they brought them out, one said, "Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away." Genesis 19:17

Growth is essential in the lives of living things. No living grows downwards, rather upwards. In other words, we grow forward and not backwards.

As we become obedient to the call of salvation, it is our responsibility to grow, but growth doesn't happen in a minute or a day. Growth is a continuous process. But it will be impossible for growth to take place if we still hold on to our past. Like the apostle Paul said, “ forgetting about the past, I press forward” Philippians 3:13.

Is there really anything good that our past can offer? Yes, we learn from our past but it also keeps us stagnant. Like Lot's wife, we'll be stuck to the same place or level if we'll look or turn back to our previous sins once we have asked for forgiveness. Yes the past is full of beautiful things just because we have seen it before, what about what lies ahead of us? What if what lies ahead of us is more beautiful than what we haven't? There are so many places we haven't seen yet but trust me, they are more beautiful than the ones we have seen and known.

If only you will not look back but rather focus on what lies ahead of you, you'll grow into the glorious and blissful and glamorous life that Christ has called you into.


Lord Jesus, help me to always look ahead and never to look back. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Genesis 19:7, Philippians 3:13.

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