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Take the First Step

The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step]. Psalm 37:23, The Amplified Bible God’s will is to lead you on a day-by-day basis. He’s given His Spirit to guide you every day. Most believers don’t know that. They expect God to reveal His complete will for their lives in one big revelation. Don’t make that mistake. Don’t just sit around waiting for God to show you whether or not He wants you to go to Africa for the rest of your life. Let Him begin to lead you in little things first, to tell you what you need to do about this situation or that one. He’ll show you what you need to change. And, as He does, you’ll change one thing at a time. The truth is, you probably already know one thing God wants you to do. You might not know why He wants you to do it. You may not know where it’s leading, but you’ve heard His voice in your heart. If you want to keep on hearing Him, you’ll have to set aside your own ambitions and desires. Spend time in prayer and in the Word. Tune your ear to the voice of His Spirit. Learn to trust Him. Remember that He’s smarter than you are and be willing to do what He says whether you can understand it with your mind or not. Obey even His smallest instructions. If you do, He’ll eventually change your whole little step at a time.


Lord Jesus, help me to take the first step with You today, Amen!

Reference Scripture: Psalm 37:23.

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