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Arise and Build

I also told them about the gracious hand of my God on me and what the king had said to me. They replied, "Let us start rebuilding." So they began this good work.

Nehemiah 2:18

Every Christian must be a builder. Our way of living should be primarily centered around building up ourselves spiritually, building up one another lovingly and building up The Kingdom of God collectively.

Nehemiah was an example of a great builder. The nation of Israel had been destroyed because of their sin, and when Nehemiah was informed about the state of Jerusalem, Bible says that he sat down and cried. He was very sad. However, since his interest in rebuilding Jerusalem was so great, he began to pray and fast to God for several days. He prayed for the Israelites.

After Nehemiah had rested and prayed for three nights, he went to survey the extent of the damage and the nature of the work that needed to be done. He then called the people together to challenge their faith and made them recognize the state they were in, and encouraged them with testimonies that God’s hand was in the project. It was quite reassuring that the people themselves told Nehemiah that they would arise and build. They strengthened each other for the task, an everybody took part including the priests, the women and children. In 52 days, the wall and gates were completed.

How interested and eager are we to build? Are we burdened like Nehemiah when we are told of a situation that needs some rebuilding? As Christians, we must see a need and feel burdened to do something about it, as opposed to just sitting back unbothered and watching things worsen.


Lord Jesus, help me to be a builder, today and forevermore. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Nehemiah 1, 2.

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