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Greater is He

You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

1 John 4:4

Greater simply means more. The One who is more than enough is in the inside of you. If you are in Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the One who is more is on the inside of you. Because of this we have overcome. To hear many Christians talk, you would think the one who is less is on the inside of them. NO, the One who is more, the greater One is on the inside of us.

This should be the heart cry of every believer: The greater One lives within me. It is because of The Greater One Who lives within me that I am victorious. It is because of The Greater One who lives within me that that I am successful. It is because of The Greater One who dwells within me that causes me to triumph in every circumstance of life. Some people would say this is bragging.

This certainly isn’t bragging on yourself, it is bragging on God and His ability. You’re not saying what you can do but what God in you can and is doing.


Lord Jesus, help me to always recognize that You are The Greater One in Me. Amen!

Reference Scripture: 1 John 4:4.

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