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Not Yet

“Dear woman, that’s not our problem,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” John 2:4 NLT Imagine after a long wait in a queue, another brother walks in and immediately goes straight to the cashier to check out. What will your reaction be? Or you ask your child to recite the letters of the English alphabet and he starts from A, B, C and the next one you hear is M. What will be your response to that? We always want things to be done at the right time. It was a wedding time and the people ran out of wine. More people were joining in and they needed to be attended to, but He tells his Mom, it is not yet the time. What other time was He waiting for? Was He waiting for bride and the groom to be fully embarrassed before He could help?. The same happened when His own friend Lazarus was sick. Sometimes we rush God's time to do things in our own way. Like Abraham we hear of God's promises and prophecies but as we give ourselves sometimes and they are not coming through, we begin to question Him and then rush to make the prophecies come to pass. Jesus's mother knew Jesus performs miracles, so as she saw they ran out of wine and Jesus also knew there was no wine, she was expecting Him to do something about it. Yet He was not providing anything because it wasn't yet the time. God works with time, He's not a God of rush, He's a God of order and time. Prayer God thank You for today, Your word and Your Spirit. I pray that You'll help me to work with You in a timely manner in Jesus name, Amen.

Reference Scriptures: John 2:4.

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