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My Helper

I look up to the hills, but where will my help really come from? My help will come from the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth.

Psalm 121:1-2

Do you know who your Father in Heaven is? The Creator of the universe, the One Who supplies all our needs because He knows us better than we know ourselves!

His Word says that we should not worry about what we will eat or drink tomorrow because, He knows us and knows that He will care for us when the time comes.

So is there anything too hard for the lord that He cannot do? What is your burden today that has been troubling you? Your father in Heaven is ready to supply all your needs. He says it in His Word that if we abide in His word, and His word abides in us, we will ask WHATEVER in His name and that is what He will do. John 15:7

God is ready to provide us with all that we need, we just need to obey the instructions and commandment that He requires of us and we won't ask for much, but our needs will be provided for us on a daily basis according to the riches and Glory of our Lord and Savior!

Prayer Lord, thank You for Your provision for me. Help me to abide in You and Your Word in me in Jesus's name I pray! Amen!

Reference Scriptures: Psalm 121:1-2, John 15:7

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