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Be Useful to Your Community

And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me? …” John 2:4 ESV

I have read through this scripture several times, yet I never got this theme of the sense of social responsibilities that are required from us (Christians). This scripture talks about a wedding which Jesus, His mother and brothers were invited to. Everyone in family attended so did He also.

One funny thing about most of us believers is that, we think once we see the light, everything about the society is of less importance to us. Look, when you take the Ten Commandments which was written by the Father Himself, we could realize that out of the ten, six of the commandments talk about our social relations (how we should live with and among our fellow humans).

I believe guests of occasions have no role to play. They're only to attend and witness the event. But when our Master got there, His services were required. Know that our societies, our nations need us believers more than any other persons. Let me tell you this, there were wine brewers and other experts of wine at the occasion but when they ran short of the wine, it was Him whose services were needed.

God says He's made us like trees planted by the river side. The importance of a tree is to bear fruits for everyone to eat from. It also has to provide shelter and a home for other creatures. Once God has made us like a tree, it is very important for us to be useful to our communities, our churches and our workplaces. We can't only be useful to our churches. Our nations and communities need our service too.


Heavenly Father, help me to be useful to my community. Amen!

Reference Scriptures: John 2

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